Mastering Docker Build: Commands, Options, and Examples

Docker Build: Comprehensive Guide to Commands, Options, and Buildx

While the idea and technology of containers themselves have been there for a long time, Docker really revolutionized their ease, making it easier to build, package, and deploy applications. This accessibility has made Docker a key tool in the modern development process, and there’s a high probability that your team or organization is probably leveraging Docker to make things easier.

This tutorial will outline some of the subtleties of Docker Build, how you would make practical Docker images, and how to avoid common pitfalls or optimize Docker in general. At the end of this chapter, you will know how to create an image and use Docker effectively within your workflow.

Introduction to Docker Build

Docker Build is the central feature of Docker Engine that allows the automation of Docker image creation for any developer. The Docker Build process applies whenever an application is packaged or deployed into a container. As such, building plays an important role in the software development life cycle, given that code packaging should be fast and consistently deployed in various types of environments. However, Docker Build encompasses so much more than a mere, simple image creation command-it is an entire ecosystem that covers all concepts ranging from simple workflow to complex containerization requirements.

The fact remains that despite its widespread utilization, the official Docker documentation can be overwhelming for any newcomer. From basic to an advanced manner of use, thorough knowledge of several concepts, commands, and best practices become required. These can make the task of composing Docker images sound daunting. Once they have become familiarized with the correct approach, they will be able to compose Dockerfiles, build images with these, and distribute them with ease.

Using Docker Build command: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide

The Docker Build is a very useful Docker command for composing Docker images, which makes it very important in containerization. It takes code and application dependencies and converts them into a neat, portable container image that will easily facilitate the distribution, testing, and deployment of an application to different environments. This tutorial will explain how to build a Docker image from scratch using the Docker Build command. By the end of this, you’ll be able to build a basic web server container and know how Docker lets you package and deploy applications.

Step 1: Create a Working Directory

The first step is to create a dedicated directory to store all the necessary files for your Docker image. For this demonstration, we’ll call the directory docker-demo. Start by creating the folder and navigating into it using the following commands:

mkdir docker-demo
cd docker-demo

Once inside, create an index.html file to serve as the webpage displayed by your web server. For this, use the following basic HTML code:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <title>Simple App</title>



    <h1>Hello World</h1>

    <p>This is running in a Docker container</p>



The Nginx server that we will install within the Docker container will display this HTML page.

Step 2: Select a Base Image

A base image serves as the foundation of your Docker image. For this tutorial, we’ll use an official Nginx image from Docker Hub. Nginx is a popular web server that will serve our index.html file. You can select a suitable image by searching Docker Hub, and for this case, we will choose the nginx:stable-alpine3.17-slim image. This lightweight version of Nginx is optimized for minimal resource consumption.

Step 3: Create a Dockerfile

The instructions for creating your Docker image are contained in the Dockerfile. Create a new file in your docker-demo directory with the name Dockerfile (no file extension) in this step. This file will guide Docker through the process of assembling the image.

Step 4: Add Build Instructions to the Dockerfile

Open the Dockerfile in a text editor and add the following lines:

FROM nginx:stable-alpine3.17-slim

COPY index.html /usr/share/nginx/html


CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]

Here’s what each instruction does:

  • FROM nginx:stable-alpine3.17-slim: This sets the base image to Nginx, specifically the slim Alpine version, which is lightweight and efficient.
  • COPY index.html /usr/share/nginx/html: This copies your index.html file into the directory where Nginx serves static files.
  • EXPOSE 80: This exposes port 80, the default port for web traffic, so the container can accept requests.
  • CMD [“nginx”, “-g”, “daemon off;”]: This runs Nginx in the foreground, keeping the container running.

These instructions will build an image that serves the index.html file through Nginx whenever a container is launched.

Step 5: Build the Docker Image

Before building your image, ensure that Docker is installed and running on your machine. You can check your Docker installation by running:

docker --version

Once confirmed, use the following command to construct your image and go to the directory containing the Dockerfile and index.html:

docker build -t sampleapp:v1.

The -t flag tags your image with a name and version. In this case, the image is tagged sampleapp:v1, making it easier to reference later. The . at the end tells Docker to use the current directory to find the Dockerfile.

As Docker executes the build process, it will pull the necessary base image (if not already cached), copy the index.html file, and expose port 80. Once completed, you should see output indicating that the build was successful.

Step 6: Verify the Built Docker Image

To confirm that your image was successfully built, use the following command:

docker images

This will list all available Docker images on your machine. You should see sampleapp listed with its associated v1 tag.

Step 7: Run the Docker Image

The built image is now ready to be used as a container. To launch the container, use the following command:

docker run -p 8080:80 sampleapp:v1

The -p flag specifies port mapping. Port 8080 on your host machine is mapped to the container’s port 80. This allows you to access the container’s web server via port 8080 on your local system.

Step 8: Access the Application

Once the container is operating, you can access the application. Open a web browser and navigate to localhost:8080. A web page should appear in your browser. You should see the “Hello World” message displayed on the page, confirming that the Docker container is running your Nginx web server, serving the index.html file.

How to Build Docker Images with Buildx

Use Docker Buildx to generate a docker image. This sophisticated tool expands the capabilities of the standard docker build command, allowing developers to design effective and potent workflows, particularly for multi-platform image builds. Buildx makes use of BuildKit, a contemporary build engine, to enhance image production speed, flexibility, and caching.

To get started with Buildx, first, ensure it’s installed and activated in your Docker CLI. Create a builder instance using:

docker buildx create --name mybuilder --use

Creating images for many architectures (such as AMD64 and ARM64) in a single build is made simple by Buildx. For instance, you may use the following command to make a multi-platform image:

docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t <username/repo:tag>

The –platform flag specifies the target platforms, while the -t flag tags the image. Add the –push flag to directly push the multi-platform image to a container registry like Docker Hub.

Docker Buildx empowers developers to streamline their workflows and meet modern application deployment demands by simplifying multi-platform builds and enhancing efficiency with advanced caching. Whether you’re targeting diverse environments or building complex images, Buildx ensures your Docker experience is more flexible and robust.

Docker Build Options and Flags Explained

Docker’s docker build command (a docker build image option) allows developers to create container images from a Docker file with several customizable options and flags to streamline the process. Here’s a quick guide to the most commonly used options and docker build flags:

Using these flags optimally can improve build speed, maintain version control, and add flexibility to your Docker workflow.

  1. -t, –tag: Tags the image with a name and optionally a version. For example:

    docker build -t myapp:1.0. 
  2. –build-arg: Allows you to pass build-time variables to the image. This is useful for customizing builds dynamically.
    docker build –build-arg API_KEY=12345.
  3. –no-cache: It forces Docker to ignore its cache and rebuild all layers to ensure the latest content.
    docker build –no-cache.
  4. –pull: Always pulls the latest version of the base image.
    docker build –pull.
  5. –target: Specifies a build stage in a multi-stage build, reducing unnecessary steps.
    docker build –target=stage_name. 

Optimizing Docker Builds with No Cache [docker build no cache]

The –no-cache flag in the Docker build helps to ensure your images are built using the latest dependencies and updates. By default, Docker uses cached layers to speed up builds, but this can occasionally cause outdated dependencies to persist. The –no-cache option forces Docker to rebuild all layers from scratch, guaranteeing an updated build process.

Key Benefits of Using –no-cache

  1. Fresh Dependencies: Ensures all layers use the latest versions of packages, configurations, and base images.
  2. Debugging Tool: Helps identify issues caused by incorrect caching, particularly during frequent image rebuilds.
  3. Consistency Across Environments: Reduces the risk of cached issues affecting production or deployment environments.

Example Usage

docker build --no-cache -t myapp:latest.  

Best Practices

  • Use –no-cache selectively during debugging or critical updates to avoid unnecessary overhead.
  • Combine with the –pull flag to ensure the base image is the most recent version:
docker build --no-cache --pull -t myapp:latest. 

Understanding Docker Build Context

The Docker build context is a crucial concept to grasp when creating container images. It refers to the directory (and its contents) sent to the Docker daemon during the docker build process. This context determines what files are accessible to the Dockerfile during the build process.

How Docker Build Context Works

When you run a command like:

docker build -t myapp.  

The . specifies the current directory as the build context. Docker compresses this directory, sends it to the Docker daemon, and uses it to process the instructions in the Dockerfile.

Key Considerations

  1. Minimize Context Size: Ensure the build context contains only the files needed for the build to reduce build time and resource usage. Use a .dockerignore file to exclude unnecessary files.
  2. Absolute vs. Relative Paths: Docker cannot access files outside the context directory. Ensure all required resources are within the specified context.
  3. Security Implications: Avoid sending sensitive files or credentials as part of the build context unless they are necessary and properly secured.

Best Practices

  • Use a .dockerignore file to exclude large or irrelevant files (e.g., node_modules, .git):
  • Keep Docker files within the root directory of the context for simplicity and maintainability.
  • Test builds locally to ensure that only necessary files are included in the context.

Common Docker Build Examples and Use Cases

The docker build command is highly versatile, allowing developers to create container images tailored to specific needs. Here are some common Docker build command examples and use cases for leveraging Docker’s build capabilities effectively:

1. Basic Image Build

Create a simple image using a Dockerfile:

docker build -t myapp.  

Use Case: Ideal for building applications with minimal dependencies and simple configurations.

2. Multi-Stage Builds

Use multiple stages to optimize image size by excluding unnecessary build artifacts:

# Stage 1: Build  

FROM golang:1.18 as builder  

WORKDIR /app  

COPY . .  

RUN go build -o myapp 

# Stage 2: Final Image  

FROM alpine:latest  

WORKDIR /root/  

COPY –from=builder /app/myapp.  

CMD [“./myapp”]  

Use Case: Reduces the final image size by including only production-ready components.

3. Passing Build Arguments

Inject environment-specific variables during build time:

docker build --build-arg ENV=production -t myapp:prod.  

Use Case: Useful for setting environment-specific configurations without hardcoding them in the Dockerfile.

4. Forcing Updates with No Cache

Ensure a clean build by ignoring cached layers:

docker build --no-cache -t myapp:latest.  

Use Case: Guarantees the inclusion of the latest dependencies and updates.

5. Targeting Specific Build Stages

Select a specific stage in a multi-stage build:

docker build --target builder -t myapp-builder.  

Use Case: Useful for debugging or isolating a specific build stage.

6. Building from Remote Contexts

Use a Git repository as the build context:

docker build -t myapp  

Use Case: Convenient for CI/CD pipelines where the build context is managed remotely.


Docker Build is an indispensable tool in modern containerization workflows, enabling developers to create portable and efficient Docker images. From basic commands to advanced techniques like multi-stage builds and Buildx, the flexibility offered by Docker Build supports a wide range of development and deployment scenarios. By mastering Docker Build commands, understanding the build context, and leveraging optimization techniques, you can streamline the process of creating robust images tailored to your application needs. Whether you’re just starting with containerization or refining your workflows, Docker Build is a cornerstone of efficient software development.

FAQ: Common Questions About Docker Build

What is the Docker build command?

The docker build command can be utilized to construct a Docker image from a Dockerfile and the given build context. It compiles the dependencies, configurations, and application code into a portable docker build container image that can be reliably deployed in many contexts.

How do I build a Docker image?

To build a Docker image, follow these steps:

  • Write a Dockerfile with the necessary instructions.
  • Open a terminal and navigate to the directory containing the Dockerfile.

Run the command:

docker build -t <image-name>:<tag> 
  • Replace <image-name> and <tag> with your desired image name and version tag.

What is Docker Buildx used for?

Docker Buildx is an advanced tool that extends the traditional docker build functionality. It supports multi-platform builds, faster build times with BuildKit and advanced caching mechanisms. Buildx is ideal for creating images targeting diverse architectures, such as ARM and x86, from a single build process.

Can I build a Docker container using the CLI?

Yes, a command-line interface (CLI) can be used to create a Docker container by using the following command:

docker build -t myapp:latest 
docker run -p 8080:80 myapp:latest

What are the options available for Docker build?

The docker build command supports various options to customize the image creation process, including:

  • -t, –tag: Assigns a name and tag to the image.
  • –build-arg: Passes build-time variables to the Dockerfile.
  • –no-cache: Ignores cached layers and rebuilds all layers.
  • –pull: Ensures the latest base image is used.
  • –target: Specifies a particular stage in multi-stage builds.
About The Author
A man with short, light brown hair and a trimmed beard, wearing a beige sweater, looks directly at the camera against a dark background.
Liutauras is the Head of Customer Support Team with five years of experience in the fast-paced cloud hosting industry. With a strong passion for software engineering and cloud computing, he continuously strives to expand his technical expertise while prioritizing client satisfaction. Liutauras is committed to proactive support and providing valuable insights to help clients maximize their cloud environments.
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